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Hungerford Nursery School

Centre for Children and Families

Everybody Matters - Be The Best That You Can Be

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Nursery School

Who are the Governors?

Maureen Martin – Chair of Governing Board

I have lived in Hungerford for 37 years and both my daughters attended the Nursery where they developed the skills to be confident learners throughout their lives. The Nursery helped me to understand how I could support my daughters’ learning which in turn gave me the confidence to go back to college. I qualified as a teacher and have worked in adult and higher education for over 20 years. I am delighted to be a governor and to be involved in the outstanding work of the Nursery staff in supporting children, parents and families.

Sarah Gardener - Co-opted Governor

Mark Batup - Co-opted Governor

Sian Jackson- Co-opted Governor

Kirsty Brown - Co-opted Governor

Nick Pritchett - Co-opted Governor

I became a co-opted governor in 2020 but also retain a close involvement with the nursery as a parent of children who attend it. I am a practicing solicitor who, having worked in-house for various businesses, am now self employed in order to have flexibility for my family. This flexibility allows me to participate in our wonderful local area and as well as my involvement with the nursery, I am a member of HRFC.  

The nursery is, quite rightly, regarded as one of Hungerford’s ‘crown jewels’ and this is solely due to the efforts of the staff and leadership. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to such an organisation using the skills I have acquired in my business and personal life.

John Downe - Associate Governor

Lucy Maynard - Parent Governor

Rebecca Cavill - Parent Governor

Chloe Summerville - Headteacher


Marie Beasley (Senior Family Support Worker) - Staff Governor

Steph Efford - Clerk to Governors
