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Hungerford Nursery School

Centre for Children and Families

Everybody Matters - Be The Best That You Can Be

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Nursery School


Hungerford Nursery School was last inspected by Ofsted on 20th October 2021. 

An Outstanding judgement was awarded. The Inspectors, Daniel Lambert and Linda Jacobs, said:


 "The nursery provides children with a brilliant start to their education”, that “children feel safe, secure and valued” and “at this nursery, laughter, imagination and joy abound”  


"Children thrive here because staff equip them with the language, knowledge and attributes to last them a lifetime.  Staff encourage children constantly, and their enthusiasm is infectious" 


"The nursery helps children to explore and understand their own and other’s emotions.  Children learn to enjoy their own company and how to be a good friend"


"The curriculum equips children with firm foundations that will serve them for years to come.

The promotion of language and vocabulary is a particular strength of the school.  Staff make every word count, ensuring that children hear a wide and relevant vocabulary and are encouraged to use this themselves"


"Leaders create tailored plans, which help children to overcome any barriers they have to learning.  Children with SEND make excellent progress because staff follow these plans and support children every step of the way"


Did you know that each parent of a child at Hungerford Nursery School, can share their views of the Nursery with Ofsted on their Parent View website, at any time?

Follow the link here to Ofsted’s Parent View website


We are very proud that Outstanding judgements have been awarded in:

2006/2007, 2009/2010, 2012/2013, 2016/17 and 2021/22.

Visit the Ofsted website to see this and previous years’ reports.
