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Hungerford Nursery School

Centre for Children and Families

Everybody Matters - Be The Best That You Can Be

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Nursery School

Lunchtime and Food

We have our own kitchen and our cook provides hot meals every day. We carefully select our own balanced healthy menu and also ensure that children have a healthy snack. We encourage children to eat well and promote this by getting them involved in growing food and cooking.

In April 2017 we were awarded the Children’s Food Trust Outstanding Food Award.  We understand that we were the first Nursery School to receive this award.  Our achievement demonstrates we have been recognised nationally for our dedication to providing healthy food and drink for children.  The Children’s Food Trust is on a mission to get every child eating well and believe that when children eat better they do better.  We share that belief.  We are making sure the food we provide at our Nursery gives children the energy and nutrition they need to fulfil their potential.


We hope that you share our enthusiasm for the Award and the high standards that it recognises. We believe in the benefits good food brings in helping your children to grow, play and learn.

Week 1 Menu applies to the weeks commencing 15/4, 6/05, 27/5, 17,6 and 8/7.

Week 2 menu applies to weeks commencing 22/4, 13/5, 3/6, 24/6 and 15/7

Week 3 menu applies to weeks commencing 29/4, 20/5, 10/6 and 1/7.
