What have we achieved?
Shoal is very proud of the ways in which we are able to help the Nursery and Family Centre.
Outdoor play equipment
We have purchased a new wobble bridge which is located in Pod 2 to give the children an extra physical challenge. The children have been enjoying challenging their physical skills on a daily basis.
New books
Through the money that Shoal have raised, we have been able to purchase new books for all four pods in the nursery. We purchased many new information books to help support children's curiosity and extend their learning.
Thank-you to Usbourne Books for price matching the money we raised.
New minibus
Our previous minibus had come to the end of its service. Over the past year money raised by Shoal (which was match funded by the Good Exchange) enabled the nursery to purchase a replacement. The bus is a valuable asset for the nursery. This has enabled our children to continue to visit Boxford Woods. These visits allow children to develop practical life skills and an appreciation of the natural environment, face new challenges and learn to manage and take reasonable risks in a managed setting.
Sensory Garden
Shoal has been fundraising for the Wildlife Sensory Garden in the Nursery play area, again through the help of match funding from the Good Exchange. Miss Beacham from Class 3 has overseen the project, enables our children to gain additional exciting experiences in the outdoor play area. This fundraising is currently ongoing until we achieve the required total needed to complete the project.
We would like to thank Hungerford Town Council and local businesses who have given us generous donations and continue to give us such wonderful support in relation to our fundraising.